Hunger Crisis In condemning millions of people

Mar 2, 2009

Crisis condemning millions to hunger personasPodrían stay without food and medical care to the survivors. Vanish while the basic tools with which they seek to engage in economic development.

"The impact of this recession will spread to the entire planet," warning the NGO Save The Children. "With the scarcity and cost of food in Africa and Asia, in cooperation with us and are fighting to save tens of thousands of children dying from malnutrition. The situation could lead to a real disaster if, as expected, governments and individuals are cutting their aid now. "

The crisis threatens to reduce the 76,000 million euros that the world has this year allocated to development aid. A significant amount of money, but that does not even a tenth part of what the governments of the United States and the European Union have mobilized to save their financial institutions.

The fear of the cuts are common among UN agencies: World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Program (WFP) and United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) - warn the European Commission, the NGOs and experts.

The crisis will increase costs and reduce the income of developed countries and is expected to reduce their contributions in aid plans.

These contributions to the appeals of international organizations are essential to maintaining the flow of aid to 923 million undernourished people in the world to reduce the figure of 58 million women this year have given birth without medical care or schooling for the 56 million children in Africa and Asia that have not received primary education, according to the FAO and the UN.

A WHO report warning that the differences in life expectancy are abysmal among the richest countries in the world and the hardest hit by AIDS, hunger and poverty in Africa. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, contends that these huge disparities in health make the world a "unsafe and unstable place." FAO noted that the rise in food prices over the past two years has increased the number of undernourished people in the world at 73 million.

A person responsible for the World Food Program (WFP), who in 2007 assisted 86 million people in 80 countries, notes that "with the plan to rescue the financial system approved by the United States, WFP could work for over 100 years. If governments have the resources to rescue their banks, insurance must also have to feed the hungry. "

The worst situation is that we do not know what can happen as the crisis is showing ever more profound and extensive. If governments spent as much on financial bailouts and the economy and their incomes are less than needed to cut costs somewhere. The temptation is to do so by any government aid.

International law has no mechanism by which governments are obliged to keep their contributions. At this time, the world needs more than ever a strong commitment and leadership. This crisis has caused the excesses of the richest and most distressing and unforgivable that would end up dying of hunger and curable diseases that millions of people have not even had the opportunity to enjoy the economic boom of recent years.

Developed societies and governments, after years of living in abundance, can not stop hundreds of millions of people without vital aid if things are turning. Now more than ever, it is necessary to remain faithful to the principles of solidarity, said.

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