How to Manage Money With Success - Learn The 5 Fundamentals of financial security and share with your children
Oct 3, 2009
Would you like to know a bullet proof system that will help you and your children to thrive in their finances?
As in all areas of life, there are fundamental principles that govern the area of personal finance.
The problem is that they are well known. If you're like most people, it was fortunate to learn at home and also teaches traditional education.
It is vital that know, teach our children and put them into practice in our lives. In this way we will be as oaks on the winds of change in the economy.
1 .- The principle of managing well.
To be financially strong, has to plan, just as it does when you go on holiday.
You have to know everything he owns and how much you spend. You must take good care of your finances, keep records, take inventory of your possessions and knowing which is the amount you owe.
If you want to create more income, they can go to another level if he does not know where this now.
You'll have to take time to collect your papers and arrange them in a binder. It will also have to be educated in finance.
Once you know where it is going to be able to make decisions so you can plan where you want to go.
2 .- The principle of generosity
There is a universal law of sowing and harvesting. He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly. Therefore you determine what you receive generous as it is.
A very healthy position against the money is to assume that nothing he has is one. We are stewards of what God has given us and we will leave this world without our belongings. This attitude toward money is going to protect us from greed and avarice.
It is no coincidence that people like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates earn the top spots as the world's richest men. They are also among the individuals making the largest contributions to charities in the world.
3 .- The principle of saving for the future
It is important not only worry about the cost of today but also plan for the future. Of any revenue we get we should get the 10% "to pay us to ourselves."
However, only one hand this money should go to a conventional savings account, as a precaution in case of emergency. The rest should go to investments that produce a higher return on investment.
4 .- The principle of having a spending plan
It is important to have a monthly and annual budget. Moreover, every family should take a funding plan for 5 years. You have to know the number of terms need to month and year. Know perfectly well where it is headed and no longer with chaos and uncertainty in their spending.
It is important to consider financial goals, short, medium and long term. To do this, you must have goals in life that go beyond financial security. Money is only one tool you need to do what he was called to do.
It is important to have a sense of purpose in order to increase life. Find out what is God's plan for your life. You need to know because this here to know how much money will you need to do its job ..
5 .- The principle of being grateful
Keep a good attitude. We should be happy with what we have. The money will not make you happy. In the book of Hebrews in the Bible says:
"Let your manners be without covetousness, contented with what they have now, because he said not forsake you, do not let you!
So we may boldly say:
The Lord is my helper, I will fear, what can man do to me. "(Hebrews 13:5,6)
Get closer to your Creator and have peace. God is our source and he will provide for all your needs. You can be happy with much and little, since it has the certainty that God is not going to stop where he is.
Meditate on their achievements and thanks. Focus on what you have and not what has not. Be happy where he is knowing he will not be there forever.