Skills needed for web marketing
Sep 11, 2009
• You need to know to what extent the Internet changes the existing patterns of market-ing and whether it may apply to the Internet new models and strategies, to exploit more effectively.
• Marketing professionals will need to develop practical skills in Internet marketing to effectively market their products. The knowledge of a new "jargon" - what "portal", "clickthrough", "cookie", "hit", "page impressions", or "certificate type-the"? - And effective methods to design and promote the site will be needed both to develop themselves who will have a site, both for those who will only communicate with the technicians who will deal with implementing and maintaining the site.
• Given the rapidly changing market characteristics and best practices of internet marketing are necessary sources of Web-based information for a constant updating of their knowledge. This book and its support Web site contains many links to Web sites of interest that allow you to stay current.
We assume that the reader already has some knowledge - perhaps developed through training or acquired during the studies - on basic concepts of marketing, marketing communications, purchase behavior and marketing mix by the end of each chapter, we present a extensive list of further reading. Among the recommended texts are both widely used books on marketing, both sources of type "e".